The house is gorgeous, sure, but how about
that pristine paved driveway? Keep your carport clean by putting cardboard
under leaky cars.
Anyone who has ever tried to remove an oil spot from a driveway or garage floor
knows that it's a good idea to figure out where an auto leak is coming from and
what it is before it gets out of control. In addition to creating unsightly
messes, leaking fluids can be a sign of a car in need of repair. Many
automotive experts recommend using a large piece of cardboard (preferably
white, but any type will do in a pinch) to identify the source of the leak.
Simply slide the cardboard under the car and check it the next morning for the
color and texture of the spots. Engine oil will be oily and black, whereas
brake fluid is oily and clear. Coolant leaks are usually green or yellow, and
transmission fluid is typically red in color [source: Warranty Info]. It makes
your mechanic's job considerably easier if you provide these types of details
instead of just complaining vaguely of "some type of leak, coming from
somewhere in the car."
7 Gardening
People with green thumbs tend to be all-around green, often seizing
opportunities to reuse everyday products in Earth-friendly ways. Cardboard is a
favorite among gardeners for a variety of purposes. Some use pieces of flat
cardboard to kneel on during grueling hours of weed-pulling and seed-planting.
Another gardening use for cardboard is sheet mulching, which is done to block
and kill weeds and insulate plants during the frigid winter months. Gardeners
recommend obtaining large pieces of cardboard and then laying them down on top
of existing soil and weeds. Overlap the edges to keep the sun from penetrating
through. The cardboard blocks sunlight from the weeds, preventing them from
growing. You can also cut pieces of cardboard to fit around existing shrubs and
plants, providing insulation to delicate greenery in the cold weather. Simply
cover the cardboard with a couple of inches of mulch, wood chips or leaf litter
and wait until spring. Over time, the cardboard will decompose and enhance the
soil. Garden-friendly earthworms also appreciate the warmth the cardboard
provides [source: San Francisco Gate]. Even weed and grass-filled flowerbeds
can be turned into lovely plots of flowers using this time-tested method of
6 Checking for Choking Hazards